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Hi, I'm Vicki,

Since becoming a mummy to my little girl in 2021, I have been interested in sleep and how to create a great sleeper, not only for them but for myself as well. I spent a long time researching and trialling methods whilst she was still very little. 

Setting up a routine with my little girl from the early days was super important. This allowed me to have the energy to not only enjoy spending time with her but also to enjoy my hobbies which, I am sure you can agree is so important for any parent. For me this was getting time to go to the gym, this still meant going at the crack of dawn due to childcare (yes, I willingly get up at 4am to go to the gym) but this was important to me and my mental health. 


Turn to the toddler phase and we hit a sticky patch with sleep and bedtime but having a gentle and responsive approach with boundaries in place meant we have come out the other side. Phew!!

It was the birth of my little boy that finally convinced me to take the leap of faith and train to become a sleep consultant. I just knew that I had to share my expertise and help other families reach their sleep goals for both their little ones and themselves . I can provide the tools and support needed to allow your little one to thrive. There is no better feeling for me than hearing the success of your little ones and seeing the change it makes to families lives. 

My Philosophy

At Little Seedlings Sleep Consultant, I believe that every little one deserves a good night's sleep. Family and health underpin a happy life and sleep is essential to achieving this. 

I am dedicated to helping families establish healthy sleep habits and routines that support the health and well-being of both children and parents.

My approach emphasises a gentle and responsive approach to sleep consulting.

I understand that sleep challenges can be overwhelming for parents, which is why I provide personalised support every step of the way. Whether you need help establishing a bedtime routine, dealing with night wakings, or transitioning your child to a new sleeping arrangement, I am here to help. With my expert guidance and support, you can help your little one develop the healthy sleep habits and patterns they need to thrive.

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